Filing Requirements Trademark

  1. A simply signed Power of Attorney.
  2. The name, address, nationality and occupation of the applicant and the nature of its business.
  3. Prints of the mark
  4. A list of the goods/services and the classes
  5. A certified copy of the priority document, in the case that it is claimed

Renewal of Trademark/Service Mark Registrations

  1. A simply signed Power of Attorney for each application.
  2. The number and date of the registered trademark/service mark.
  3. The name, address and nationality of the applicant.

Assignment or Merger Recorders

  1. A notarized Power of Attorney signed by the assignee.
  2. A duly notarized deed of assignment signed by the assignor and the assignee, merger


  1. The name, address, nationality and profession or nature of business of the assignee.
  2. A copy of registration certificate of trademark.


  1. A notarized Power of Attorney by the licensee.
  2. A notarized license agreement executed by both parties.
  3. The name, address, nationality and profession or nature of business of the licensee.
  4. The original trademark certificate for endorsement purposes.
  5. A copy of registration certificate of trademark

Change of Name/Address Recorders

  1. A simply signed Power of Attorney.
  2. A certificate of the change of name or address.
  3. A copy of registration certificate of trademark.